
Friday 19 August 2011


These are updated versions of the previous posting, I really like how you can add images in to the background on Rhino 4..

Looking for art with flavor, different tastes and styles, Deviant Art is a great site for inspiration.

Thursday 18 August 2011


The following image is a set of glasses modeled in Rhino 3d, it is not finished yet, still a bit more work and rendering to go.

This image is being modeled for VPA102 as part of the subject

Monday 15 August 2011


This subject is all new to me and still somewhat confusing. According to various definitions researched on the net HTML is not a programing language however, it does have a syntax and if not used correctly will produce some precarious results or nothing at all.

HTML is an acronym for "Hyper Text Mark up Language" which are the basic building blocks for web pages. Elements contained within angle brackets or commonly referred to as tags allows web designers to add text, audible and images between these tags. Web browsers uses HTML documents to compose the information contained between the tags in to web-pages

The following website W3Schools Online Web Tutorials is a great site for the novice learner or just starting out. This site has a lot of good information for creating great functional websites.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Flood 2010

Every time it rains I get a little paranoid and end up checking the creek out the back of our yard. Late 2010 out at the Rock was a very stressful time for a lot of residents and a major clean up for many, so I can sympathize with what a lot of people were going through up in Queensland who were hit quite severely.

In spite of the doom and gloom for many there are however positives as depicted in an ABC News piece by environment reporter Sarah Clarke . Sarah Clarke entitled life floods back in to the outback highlights the impact of large volumes of water in to areas that have been dry for year and the abundant life as a result.