
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assessment #3

I initially found many things in this subject somewhat confusing at first but have developed over the duration of the course. I see that with this technology which is ever developing, many benefits such as promoting one's passions or just communicating with others who share similar interests. As for me this has been a learning curve acknowledging some of the benefits this technology could have in my workflow or in a school context.

Some of the things that I have achieved over the duration of this course include:

Blogger: - includes
  • 33 posts
  • Link list of my favorites or most visited
  • Made more adjustments with templates experimenting with fonts and colour
  • Added more gadgets to my blog, such as a subscribe to which will make it easier for people visiting my site to subscribe to my blog
  • Includes a feed to Master-blog, a feed to my flickr, a feed to Gregs blogger
  • My flickr photo-stream, counter, total page-views
For my flickr I have:
  • Progressively added more photos totally 55
  • All having descriptions and tags
  • Most of the media is original and sources acknowledge for those that are not
For my Delicious:
  • My sick website has been bookmarked
  • I have a total of 18 bookmarks
  • Tagged with descriptions
HTML / Csusap - My Sick Website:
  • A flickr link
  • A Blogger link
  • A Delicious link
  • A Hit Counter that still does not work
  • RSS Feed to my blogger
  • Links to the next page and previous page
  • A link on each page that links back to to my home page
  • News feed - powered by Google
  • Flickr pictures that change every minute, powered by Google
  • RSS Feed icon to my blog
What I take away with me:

One of the things that I will take away with me from this course is the satisfaction that I have achieved something, something of value and something that I am pleased with. For me, this course not only had its challenges but it also had personal rewards.

Keep Blogging Pat

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