
Tuesday 11 October 2011

Assessment #3

I initially found many things in this subject somewhat confusing at first but have developed over the duration of the course. I see that with this technology which is ever developing, many benefits such as promoting one's passions or just communicating with others who share similar interests. As for me this has been a learning curve acknowledging some of the benefits this technology could have in my workflow or in a school context.

Some of the things that I have achieved over the duration of this course include:

Blogger: - includes
  • 33 posts
  • Link list of my favorites or most visited
  • Made more adjustments with templates experimenting with fonts and colour
  • Added more gadgets to my blog, such as a subscribe to which will make it easier for people visiting my site to subscribe to my blog
  • Includes a feed to Master-blog, a feed to my flickr, a feed to Gregs blogger
  • My flickr photo-stream, counter, total page-views
For my flickr I have:
  • Progressively added more photos totally 55
  • All having descriptions and tags
  • Most of the media is original and sources acknowledge for those that are not
For my Delicious:
  • My sick website has been bookmarked
  • I have a total of 18 bookmarks
  • Tagged with descriptions
HTML / Csusap - My Sick Website:
  • A flickr link
  • A Blogger link
  • A Delicious link
  • A Hit Counter that still does not work
  • RSS Feed to my blogger
  • Links to the next page and previous page
  • A link on each page that links back to to my home page
  • News feed - powered by Google
  • Flickr pictures that change every minute, powered by Google
  • RSS Feed icon to my blog
What I take away with me:

One of the things that I will take away with me from this course is the satisfaction that I have achieved something, something of value and something that I am pleased with. For me, this course not only had its challenges but it also had personal rewards.

Keep Blogging Pat

Monday 10 October 2011

True Blood

I have added a link to a trailer encompassing nine episodes from season four of True Blood,

Happy watching

Source:- You Tube /


In terms of social networking found this subject (MPI104) somewhat confusing at first. I initially found it somewhat boring as there were many things that I was not familiar with. As this course has progressed so has my development, I see that there is a lot of potential and a means of sharing and communicating with others who share similar beliefs, passions and interests.


This website has some really cool pic's

True Blood

True Blood is one of my favorite programs -

For those of you's who are not familiar with True Blood, in setting the scene for this program season one starts off where Vampires have come out of the closet. This is mainly due to a synthetic blood being produced, this however does not mean that vampires have completely refrained from drinking human blood. The movie is filled with vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies and others.

Sunday 9 October 2011


This picture was taken near the Riverina Community Centre, I have used this texture as a background to blend in with other images by changing the transparency.

Uni Life

Hey All

One week left in the second semester of uni, I am looking forward to the break. Only three more assignments to submit in this final week.


This was one cool game when this come out,

 Link to blog

Thursday 6 October 2011


This was one of my favorites, there shareware version of this one was similar to Doom

The seventh level of this game was extremely hard in trying to destroy the big boss. I found the only way that I could pass this stage was to keep saving my games at a point where I still have the maximum health armor and bullets. This way when you die you can go back to a saved game knowing where the Big Boss will show up next. I have added a clip from youtube to give you a better undestanding of the game.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Space Invaders

Who remembers the old space invaders, I was a very young teenager when this game came out. The old pinball machines were, and I stress the word "were" quite popular. Out with the old and in with the new, arcades soon started springing up with a string of games. The early arcade games like space invaders do not come close to anything they have today. With the development of structured programing languages in an effort to increase productivity and reduce error as machine language or the binary system was not easy, programing languages have had a huge impact in our society in the form of software, and not just games. All aspects of our lives are affected by software in one form or another. It amazes me how how much the gaming industry has changed over the last thirty years.

Return to Zork

Return to Zork from memory, was the first 3d adventure and I think the eighth episode or adventure in this saga. The previous games were early text adventures. I remember playing this game several months after the release of the 3rd person shooter Doom.

I recall buying this game along with a version of Mech Warrior, I don't recall the details of this one but anyway this game was quite hard and long. If there were clues or some small detail that you missed, it was hard to progress in certain parts of this game. I recall that at the time of buying this game it was about 100 megs in size. This was a big game when you consider that a Pentium 100 with a hard-drive of 1.2 gig, 8 meg of ram was state of the art at that time. It was a number of years later when I completed this game and it was only by downloading the cheats from off the net.
1,2 gig hard-drive is not very big when you were playing a lot of games. The Return to Zork disk also had the previous text versions but did not like them the graphical user interface was more user friendly.


This is really sick, Deviant Art has some really cool stuff I really like this one.

Ghost by joinjump - link -

Marred illusions

The following piece was drawn in DrawPlus4 (Serif) as part of my final submission for VPA-101 visual arts assignment - Fundamentals of design one:
The program I used to do this piece can be pick up for free on the internet. I think the price for the full version is around twenty dollars and that may be in pounds. The thing that amazes me, you can produce some really good work in this program opposed to buying say adobe illustrator which is so expensive for most people unless you are eligible for the education version as a student. This piece was my interpretation of Einstein's Dreams of Invisible Cities, incorporating a range of fundamental design principals in to its construction and development.

Link to My Sick Website -

Monday 3 October 2011


The following images were taken for my jewelery class, we were suppose to design a set of three swizzle sticks. These are my final designs or three variances, there were imperfections in the manufacturing phase of my designs however overall I was reasonably happy.

Painting them would not have been my first option however, time got away and this was the method that I used.

Inspiration for my designs were achieved by setting up a restaurant scene and selecting different elements from this scene as a basis for designing my swizzle stick. During the design process I had developed three designs which I was really pleased with until I modeled them using mixed media. I did not like them, or felt they did not meet certain criteria for my restaurant scenario. Back to the drawing board and these were the result.

In my restaurant scene a single red rose was an important feature of a romantic dinner with someone special and although the structure of my design mimics this rose in so many ways this was not my initial focus or intent. Yet, the influences in all my preliminary designs headed in this direction and was evident in a number of design drawings.


Doom from id software was probably one of the first games I ever played on a computer. The game was originally released in the early 90's (1993) for PC/DOS. I remember playing versions designed to run in windows a couple of years later.

The game I played was a shareware version that had nine levels, or the first chapter in this episode. This game was a popular first person shooter with other versions. The game centers on the end user or player who takes on the role of a space marine in a military base situated on Mars. In order to survive the player must kill all the demons from hell. Depending on which level of hardness you choose this can be quite difficult, cheats can give you some satisfaction it can also spoil the game. One of the things that I really liked about this game was finding all the secret rooms which only show up on the map after you have entered them. This game in its day was totally awesome.

Link to image -

 I have added a clip from You Tube that takes the player through the different levels

Final Fantacy

It is probably very rare that I play computer games any more, I do however recall it being very addictive. One game I did enjoy was Final Fantasy, the graphics are awesome nowadays.

 Final Fantasy Pics / Photo's

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assessment #2 - My Sick Website

Art-work which I have created in my 1st year at CSU is a major theme throughout my website. My home page has the following items on it:

  • A brief descritpion
  • Three links comprising,
  • A flickr link
  • A Blogger link
  • A Delicious link
  • A Hit Counter
  • RSS Feed to my blogger
  • Links to the next page and previous page
  • A link on each page that links back to to my home page
  • News feed - powered by Google
  • Flickr pictures that change every minute, powered by Google
  • RSS Feed icon to my blog
 My web-site consists of four pages these comprise, Home-page, about me, my art, my photo's, and pearls of wisdom.

In constructing this web-site there were many obstacles, the program was probably a lot easier to use than I expected. Setting up the RSS feed was somewhat confusing to set up and I don't know if this has been done right yet. The counter seemed rather straight forward until I published my web-site and I don't see any sign of it on my website. At this point in time I am not sure how I should approach or rectify this, and this is probably due to our good friend "TIME", time is not on my side at the moment. Good one time maybe next time.

About me is a brief profile about myself. My art consists of a series of designs and art work done in my first year here at CSU. My photo's consists of a series of photo's which have been taken in my back yard for a particular subject, the photo's were taken using my mobile phone I never ended using them. Pearls of wisdom is a page that consists of quotes for the day, some of which I find not only amusing but so true. In all honesty, this assignment has been not only trying but rewarding. Blogger out?

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Assessment #1 Blog Post

Initially, when starting this subject I found it somewhat confusing and rather boring. However, as I have progressed and the confusion has slowly unveiled itself like the mist lifting on a cold morning, found many aspects of this subject to have merit and inspiration. Whether we like it or not the technology is here and it is being used in our every day lives as an effective means of communication that impacts not only our social lives but our working environment in so many ways.


My Blogger has fourteen post's currently, including comments made about other peoples posts. One such post of interest was a picture of a guitar posted by Anthony Sarina, Anthony's post . I found this picture inspiring as it is something that I love to do when I relax and that's play the guitar or piano if there is one handy. Inspired by this post I added a link to one of my favorite movies that is Crossroads, the movie is mediocre but the music is awesome.   Crossroads final battle -

Changes and additions that I have made to my blog:

  • Experimented with fonts, but was quite happy with sticking to the default
  • Changed the colour of fonts
  • Added a slide show
  • Added videos from You-Tube
  • Added current news clips
  • Added borders to blog images
  • Experimented and changed background appearances to my blog
  • Updated user profiles

My Delicious account has ten bookmarks including tags. Three of the bookmarks that I have selected relate to sites that I visit quite often and encompass:

  • Deviant Art - a passion for computer generated graphics and art
  • CSU website (Interact) relates to my work-flow or studies
  • Rhino Tutorials (You Tube) - a program that I have recently become addicted to
Links to these favorite sites:

CSU Interact
Deviant Art:
Rhino Tutorials:

I currently have thirty two images uploaded on to Flickr. The following links connect to the three images that I like the most:

These images were selected because they were things that I have produced.

Sunday 4 September 2011


I don't really care too much for the movie after you have watched it more than a dozen times, but the music is still great. The best scene is the last battle between Ralph Mucchio and the devils henchman Steve Vai. I have added a link for this.

Flickr Post

Graffiti Art

I took this photo up in Newtown Sydney, I suppose it is one way to make use of empty space.

Friday 19 August 2011


These are updated versions of the previous posting, I really like how you can add images in to the background on Rhino 4..

Looking for art with flavor, different tastes and styles, Deviant Art is a great site for inspiration.

Thursday 18 August 2011


The following image is a set of glasses modeled in Rhino 3d, it is not finished yet, still a bit more work and rendering to go.

This image is being modeled for VPA102 as part of the subject

Monday 15 August 2011


This subject is all new to me and still somewhat confusing. According to various definitions researched on the net HTML is not a programing language however, it does have a syntax and if not used correctly will produce some precarious results or nothing at all.

HTML is an acronym for "Hyper Text Mark up Language" which are the basic building blocks for web pages. Elements contained within angle brackets or commonly referred to as tags allows web designers to add text, audible and images between these tags. Web browsers uses HTML documents to compose the information contained between the tags in to web-pages

The following website W3Schools Online Web Tutorials is a great site for the novice learner or just starting out. This site has a lot of good information for creating great functional websites.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Flood 2010

Every time it rains I get a little paranoid and end up checking the creek out the back of our yard. Late 2010 out at the Rock was a very stressful time for a lot of residents and a major clean up for many, so I can sympathize with what a lot of people were going through up in Queensland who were hit quite severely.

In spite of the doom and gloom for many there are however positives as depicted in an ABC News piece by environment reporter Sarah Clarke . Sarah Clarke entitled life floods back in to the outback highlights the impact of large volumes of water in to areas that have been dry for year and the abundant life as a result.

Wednesday 27 July 2011